Archive | January, 2013

Baba Ghanoush

19 Jan

Every food blog needs a recipe for hummus, guacamole, or the eggplant equivalent-baba ghanoush. I have been craving baba ghanoush for weeks, so I picked up an eggplant on sale at the beginning of the week. I finally had time on Friday to fulfill my craving-I served it with pita bread and madras sambar. Roasting the eggplant gives it an amazing smoky flavor and I found myself eating it on slices of cucumber and tomato when my pita bread was gone.


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Tortilla Pie

18 Jan

It’s been a while since I posted again-I’m going to blame it on finals and my current stress level. I only have one final left next week, but of course the hardest one is last. I’ve still been cooking, but the only new recipes I’ve made have been eaten before I could snap a picture. Here is another throwback recipe-tortilla pie. I found the recipe on this for Tumblr and swore I was going to veganize it as soon as possible.

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Beer-Battered Avocado Wedges

6 Jan

I didn’t plan on posting this today but I enjoyed it so much I wanted to share.

I’ve never made beer batter before, but now I’m wondering about all the possible things to fry. Tofu, seitan, pickles, mushrooms…the list is endless. I’ve seen plenty of recipes for avocado fries that interested me, but most called for eggs. When I found this recipe, I thought it was perfect; it combined the two things I love the most-avocados and ales. This would be a great recipe for Super Bowl weekend. We had it today with wings and beer and it was perfect for munching in front of the television.

Beer Battered Avocado Wedges

The batter fries up soft with a little crunch, while the avocado stays soft and creamy. It was really nice with some dipping sauce; I stirred together 1/4 cup Tofutti sour cream and 2 tablespoons chunky salsa which worked well. You could just use salsa as well.

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Roasted Root Vegetable Soup

4 Jan

I’ve had a lonely acorn squash floating around my kitchen for weeks now. I kept moving it from surface to surface, hoping I’d find the proper night to cook it. In flipping through the few cookbooks I own, I found a recipe for a roasted root vegetable soup that called for butternut squash. I figured I couldn’t go wrong substituting it with acorn squash and I was right. (I love being right.)

The original recipe can be found in this book, and calls for turnips and leeks, but adds the note that you can use other vegetables depending on what’s in season. I think celery or sweet potatoes would be a wonderful addition as well. I tasted the soup partway through cooking and thought it needed a little more sweetness, so I added brown sugar. You could alternatively roast the acorn squash with brown sugar instead of adding it later. I hope you enjoy, it’s a perfect recipe for the cold winter months.

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Alfredo with Spinach and Tempeh

3 Jan

I had an amazing Christmas this year; I spent plenty of time with my family and received some amazing gifts. I was given two vegan cookbooks, one by Vegan Yum Yum and the other by Post Punk Kitchen, Vegan Cookies Invade Your Cookie Jar. I’ve already thumbed through both books and I’m looking forward to trying recipes out of each of them. One of my favorite things about new cookbooks is the countless number of times I can flip through them and find something new.

I’ve eyed this recipe on the website several times and seeing it again in book form really made me crave it. I used a little less oil and tahini than the recipe called for, to reduce the calories, and added vegetables and tempeh. The alfredo ended up thick and flavorful and the tempeh was crunchy and crisp. The sauce was pretty quick to whip up-I soaked the cashews beforehand to make it easier on my food processor, but it’s not necessary. I still had trouble getting it completely smooth, but we’ll chalk that up to impatience.

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