Tag Archives: traditional american recipes

Pulled Phauxrk

6 Feb

Move over jackfruit, there’s a new vegan pulled pork in town and it’s pronounced like fork.

This recipe is bean based, like my previous Chickwheat Shreds and like Blackbeet Beef it calls for cooked mushrooms for flavor. You can either roast or pan fry them, either will cook off the extra liquid and make them more flavorful. Use any white beans you can find navy beans, great Northern beans, it shouldn’t impact the end result.

Kneading in the food processor is what gives it the characteristic shredded texture, so be sure not to skip this step or cut it short. If you don’t have a dough hook, you can use your regular blade to knead. If you don’t have an instant pot, this can also be steamed in a conventional steamer for the same amount of time.

I prefer to weigh the ingredients in this recipe, as I think it yields the most consistent results, but I have included volume measurements for most of the ingredients if you don’t have a kitchen scale.

If you make this recipe, please use the tag #phauxrk on Instagram or public Facebook posts! I’d love to see your creations!!

Many thanks to Somer at Vedged Out and Chloe at Vegan or Not for assisting in the recipe testing!

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Broccoli and Cheese Soup

1 Apr

As I’ve previously mentioned, I can spend hours reading through new cookbooks. Over the past week, I’ve been reading Betty Goes Vegan. Ken’s family held a bridal shower for me last weekend and it was part of an adorable gift basket I received. If you’re looking for a new vegan cookbook, I would definitely suggest it-unless you’re not a fan of vegan meat and dairy substitutes. There’s a lot of fun history tidbits and traditional American recipes, which made me reflect back on some of my first recipes.

The first cookbook I had was a collection of recipes from a fire department-you know the kind, where they all put together recipes in a book to try to raise money? Anyway, any recipes I happened to print out or scribble down in the first few years on my own are stuffed into the front page. In flipping through my many pages of chicken scratch I stumbled upon my mom’s cream of broccoli soup recipe. I always enjoy an attempt to veganize an old recipe and it’s especially gratifying when it still tastes the same as I remember it.

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